Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My goodness. How time flies. Is it possible that I haven't blogged for almost a week? During which time I have eaten like a mad woman, exercised a little and written a good bit otherwise.

My swim passes are history so now I have to decide whether I will pay for aquacise classes. If I get money back from my taxes I might just invest in a new pair of glasses and some aquafit. I think the money I'll get back is something to do with the medical supplement... so it is fitting that I should use it to improve my health.

I have pretty much no more food in the house. My supper was some leftover rice and a can of baked beans, which to me is a yummy meal that I am pretty happy to eat, but I'll need to get some food for tomorrow. I do have bread and eggs and cabbage but that's about it! I'm out of staples like meat, tofu, cheese- my preferred soures of protein- and onions.

Cate is getting her proposal together for a healthy living/spirituality group. I hope she manages to get the grant, because I would like to participate in such a group. It helps to have some support from people facing the same challenges- overweight, low energy, overeating etc- and a forum to talk about things we can do to be a bit healthier, maintain or lose a little weight, etc.

I imagine it would mostly attract women but that could be good for those of us who participate!

Never underestimate the power of a small group of commited women to make a difference.

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