Wednesday, March 3, 2010

baby baby

Kristine and I got our exercise today putting out her many bags of garbage from her move. I also cleaned the bathroom which always takes way more out of me than it should, but I am glad it is presentable now so if people want to visit they can at least go pee.

The baby hasn't come yet, we're waiting for the baby... what else is new? In the meantime. I'm making the most of being home, trying to clean and figure stuff out. Like whether to cancel my workshop in Bidgewater, if the snow will be bad tomorrow. If it goes ahead I'll have to order pizza for the lunch. Pizza has become one of the wonderful perks of doing these workshhops, along with the cookies and muffins or cinnamon rolls, stuff I don't buy much of when I'm home. But I do try to be moderate about it...

Last night was Dairy Queen with Todd and a Peanut Buster Parfait. Oh my sweet Lord. I am not losing any sleep over losing weight as you can see. Stll I'm feeling a bit more svelte than I was... that comes with smaller portions and especially fewer carbs. I am getting to like the slightly empty feeling I have right now, although my hunger is a little like a voracious dog tugging at its leash. Somehow the hunger is not interfering with my head room yet, so I'm just going to make the most of it!

Well I'm off to try to update my website... wish me luck.

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