Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's a sunny day in Metro and I am taking a break at the library before going off to my next event. It's been a day of coffee and croissants, meetings, an interview, and a darn good all day breakfast at Mary's Place Cafe. I switched the sausages for falafel and feel quite virtuous. They were yummy too.

I haven't had occasion to exercise much today. And now I am feeling sleepy- was it the carbs at supper I wonder? I should probably have had some tabouli salad but i never know what to order so usually go with what's cheap. There were many vegetarian/vegan offerings at MAry's which I will have to try soon.

I would rather be having a nap right now- but going to do a talk on creativty and mental health
May the sun shine down on your tent when you wake up in the morning, unzip the flap and stand naked on the shores of whatever island you've dicovered during the night...

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