Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's worth my while being alive. I get to eat halawa, drink hot chocolate and snooze. Doesn't sound like a recipe for health, but definitely for happiness. I have a lot of other reasons to be happy, like the fact that Winter is winding down and there's still daylight when I'm coming home from my writing group. Little things make me happy, like the fact the Sportsplex said I can wear a tshirt and shorts to aquafit classes. Michelle, we're on!

I am happy for the various opportunities that have been coming my way since my novel was published. Life seems full and exciting, and I'm actually beginning to think that living past 41 is a fine idea. Which is good because I plan to get some things done. Like spending some time in China, writing another novel, and losing a whole bunch of weight. I plan to roller blade by Lake Banook again before this life is all over, swim in Lake Charles and canoe without fearing i'll overturn it. It's the roller blading that's the clincher... I picture myself in my skates, rolling along, when I question the whole eating less thing. It's a picture that's worth a thousand words, and more than a hundred pounds...

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