Saturday, April 3, 2010

Well it was a beautiful day today- I spent much of the afternoon with Mary's kids, sitting outside and watching them play. Got a little exercise but not too much... not like the old days when I'd run around with them.

Mary's eldest daughter has come upon an interest in cooking, healthy eating and exercise. Strange how much she is like her mother in that respect. I hope she can introduce a few more veggies into her sister and brothers' diets. Mary is not fond of cooking, so if her children enjoy making meals so much the better!

I ate too many carbs today, but did better than yesterday. There's lots of food in the house so I won't go hungry, that's for sure! lots of veggies. My pot of pea soup is still going, might have to freeze some of that. My vice today was a bowl of cornflakes with honey and walnuts.It's a vice because I'd already eaten more than enough carbs, but also because it's practically dessert!

Well tomorrow may be better. I'm banking on getting out into the sunshine and doing a little more walking than usual... if my legs will take it.

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