Sunday, January 24, 2010

Once again with feeling

It was a turkey soup kind of day today. It's sloshing around inside me like it could sink the Titanic. I spotted a typo from yesterday- "too" instead of "to". It figures. I try not to reread my stuff because it makes me cringe, which is why typos abound. In case you are wondering this blog is not about anything in particular. It's just a better habit than picking my nose, and hopefully at least as entertaining.

It occurs to me that it's possible to feel bad about almost anything, from the saddest to the happiest occassion. It's all in the approach. Some people have a peculiar knack for feeling great and those people are either your best friend or your most annoying accquaintance. As for me, I like the people who are up and down like a yoyo and yet manage to summon the optimism to keep going- the sweet bipolars. And those who, with no regard for any obstacle in their way, keep going with whatever project they are occupied with now- the opposite of bipolar, they wear their mood like a unibrow - and still manage to stay generous to the naysayers. Does it remind you of someone? I hope you know who you are.

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