Sunday, March 14, 2010

It was a glorious weekend of sun and shining waters. My mum and I went for fish and chips and then a little walk at Clam Harbour Beach. Today we tried Peggy's Cove but it was too cold to go for a walk, so we came back to the city and I vegged for a bit, then went out with Michelle and Lisa to the Celtic Corner, where they had supper and I swiped a few french fries off Lisa's plate.

Now I am home cooking brown rice with tofu and veggies. An artery-cleansing meal I hope. Tomorrow Michelle and I agreed to go for a swim at the Sportsplex I am nervous about it because it's March break and I don't know how the kids will react to such a large woman as I am in the pool. But it will certainly do me good. It sounds as though Michelle enjoys swimming so I will follow her lead, and just try not to worry about the kidlets

My mother and I were talking about our eating and I was thinking how much pleasure food gives me. I don't plan to let my diet to go totally to pot ( like I did this weekend) but I have decided to enjoy what I eat instead of feeling guilty about it, and not to beat myself up. I have a feeling this is a better way to lose weight without the drastic dieting I used to engage in. I could be wrong- it could be that I don't lose a stick of weight this way... but at least I won't feel unhappy and oppressed the whole time either. This is an evolving attitude, and clearly I haven't got over my insecurity about how people react to my weight , but hopefully that will become easier with time.

I remember when I was thin doing aquafit and a women who was very overweight joined our class. I remember looking askance at her, but nowI am now that woman. I lift my glass to her.

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